Konsultacje psychologiczne dla par - jęz. angielski | Counselling in English

Poradnictwo dla par prowadzona w języku angielskim Counselling sessions in English.

Konsultacje psychologiczne  dla par - jęz. angielski | Counselling in English

Counselling for couples is recommended in variety of situations, either for those relationships which are going through crisis or different communication or sexual difficulties or for partners who would like to develop their interpersonal skills and learn how to express their needs and emotions in relationship. The counselling goals are to learn how to overcome emotional and communication barriers, to recognize current conflicts in the relationship and identify partners’ needs as well as learn the ways to meet them. The aim is to help partners to remove the sources of conflict and to teach them how to avoid recurrence of undesirable behaviors in the future. Counselling is also addresses to those who have doubts whether they are able to build positive relationship, had negative experiences in previous relationships, cannot control their emotions, are experiencing change in the status of the relationship (e.g. move to a different country, the birth of a child, loss of job, infidelity) or are going through crisis and are considering split up.


300 zł = ca. 70 GBP | 87 EUR

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Konsultacje psychologiczne  dla par - jęz. angielski | Counselling in English
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